Services Offered by the Elementary Guidance Department
Counseling services in each elementary school are varied and tailored to meet the needs of our student population. The services include the following:
- Individual student counseling: Short term, specific and usually addresses school-related issues. Students may be referred by the classroom teacher, I&RS committee, parents, and the principal.
- Small group counseling/conflict resolution: provided when needed to resolve conflicts and address social skills.
- Guidance classes: Conducted on all levels (PreK-1) throughout the school year. The specific issues addressed deal with character education, conflict resolution, bullying and harassment, and career awareness.
- Member of the RTI committee
- Member of the Building Crisis Management Team
- School Anti-Bullying Specialist and organize anti-bullying programs and assemblies
- Chair of the School Climate Committee
- Referrals to Outside Agencies: Updated lists and information are maintained for the convenience of our students and parents of appropriate outside and/or community agencies, including scouts and recreational activities
- Provide risk assessment evaluations