Health Office Guidelines
Health Office Guidelines
Please refer to the New Jersey Exclusion List for general guidelines about some communicable disease that may occur in schools. Please note that the list gets updated, and the most current exclusion list will be adhered to.
- Any child having a fever of 100.4° or greater is required to leave school. We strongly suggest that you consult with your child’s pediatrician as to the course of action you should take. A child may not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Any child who is vomiting and the reason is not from a known non communicable condition (ex: gastroesophageal reflux) the child is required to leave school. We strongly suggest that you consult with your child’s pediatrician as to the course of action you should take. A child must be free from vomiting for 24 hours and tolerating a normal diet/activity before returning to school.
- Any child who has two or more loose, watery stools is required to leave school. We strongly suggest that you consult with your child’s pediatrician as to the course of action you should take. A child must be diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school.
- If your child has symptoms of acute respiratory illness (fever, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, or cough in absence of a known cause) your child must remain at home until the symptoms improve.
- If your child contracts conjunctivitis they must be symptom-free, which means redness and drainage are gone before returning to school OR approved for return by your healthcare provider.
- If your child is required to take antibiotics (ex: strep throat), they must stay home until at least 12-24 hrs. after antibiotic treatment has been initiated and the child is able to participate in activities. If your child also has a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication prior to returning to school.
- If your child develops symptoms of a childhood disease/illness (i.e. chickenpox), an undetermined rash that covers a good portion of the body (i.e. hives) or open sores, we may require a doctor’s note be submitted stating that the child is non-contagious before the child returns to school.
- If your child contracts head lice, they must be treated at home and approved by the school nurse prior to returning to school.
- If your child is restless, lethargic, or noticeably upset and out of character, you will be informed and may be required to bring your child home.
*Please update all of your emergency contacts in Realtime. If we are unable to contact you, it is important we have an emergency contact(s) to call if your child needs to be picked up from school in the case of an illness/emergency.